Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Puts Profits Over Patients’ Lives

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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Puts Profits Over Patients’ Lives

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Puts Profits Over Patients’ Lives

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas announced that they will start implementing a new policy to deny patients coverage for their emergency room visit unless THEY deem the condition was an emergency… after the fact. This dangerous policy has already been implemented in 7 other states, but in all cases it violates a patients Prudent Layperson standard for seeking emergency care. This law exists to protect patients from self-diagnosing in an emergency.


o fight back against this policy please visit to write your legislators Thanks to Dr. Gillian Schmitz (@GillianMd1 — and Christian Flores (@CFloresNews — of CBS Austin for the reporting. Read more at…

Send your elected officials a quick note telling them to prevent Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas from enacting a policy that would strip away patients’ rights to be covered for emergency care when they feel they need it. This is the Prudent Layperson Standard for emergency care, and Blue Cross Blue Shield is blatantly defying it in search of bigger profits. Texans, don’t let this happen to you!

Please tell your legislators to do the right thing and protect our emergency benefits!

Click Here To Email Your Lawmakers

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