Did you know that lung cancer is the #1 cause of cancer deaths in both men and women? In fact, more people die from lung cancer each year than from breast, prostate, and colon cancers combined. That’s why it’s so important to raise awareness about this deadly disease. Every November, we observe Lung Cancer Awareness Month to educate people about the risks of lung cancer and how to reduce their chances of getting it.
The cells lining the bronchi and other areas of the lung, such as the bronchioles or alveoli, are where lung malignancies generally begin. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be roughly 130,180 lung cancer fatalities (68,820 in men and 61,360 in women) and about 236,740 new instances of lung cancer in the US in 2022 (117,910 males and 118,830 women).
Older people are more likely to develop lung cancer. A very tiny percentage of lung cancer diagnoses occur in patients under 45, with most patients being 65 or older. When diagnosed, a person is typically around 70 years old. With roughly 25% of all cancer-related deaths, lung cancer is the most common type of cancer. (American Cancer Society)
Protecting Your Lungs
There’s no way to prevent lung cancer, but you can protect your lungs by lowering your risk of disease by checking on factors you can keep in control. Avoiding smoking and breathing in other people’s smoke are the best ways to lower your chance of developing lung cancer. If you quit smoking before cancer forms, your damaged lung tissue will eventually begin to heal. Regardless of your age or length of smoking, giving up may reduce your risk of lung cancer and lengthen your life.
Radon is another significant contributing factor. You can lower your radon exposure by getting your house tested for radon and treating it if necessary.
Diet Matters
Eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables may decrease your chance of developing lung cancer. According to some research, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help prevent lung cancer in both smokers and non-smokers.
Myths About Prevention
Giving smokers high amounts of vitamins or medications that act like vitamins is ineffective in lowering their chance of developing lung cancer. In fact, according to some research, taking supplements of the vitamin A-related substance beta-carotene may make these people more likely to get lung cancer. (American Cancer Society)
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
The LUNG FORCE effort of the American Lung Association brings together men, women, and caregivers from all around the nation to fight lung cancer, which is the top cause of cancer death for women and men in the country.
You can also get involved and help out by raising awareness. Share posts on social media and try to learn more about this disease. Many webinars and events are organized to provide information about prevention, early diagnosis, and care required. The latest research regarding lung cancer is also discussed, along with ways to help those who are already suffering from lung cancer. (American Lung Association)
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in lung cancer awareness. You can donate to research organizations, participate in fundraising events, or simply start a conversation with someone about the importance of early detection. No matter what you do, you can make a difference and help save lives. Lung cancer awareness is fundamental. Early detection and treatment can save lives, so it’s crucial that people are aware of the risks and symptoms of this disease. Lung Cancer Awareness Month is a great time to spread the word and help others learn more about this condition.
Works Cited
“Lung Cancer Statistics: How Common Is Lung Cancer?” American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org/cancer/lung-cancer/about/key-statistics.html.
“Lung Cancer Prevention: How to Prevent Lung Cancer.” American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org/cancer/lung-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/prevention.html.
“Lung Cancer Awareness Month.” American Lung Association, www.lung.org/lung-force/about-lung-force/featured-campaigns/lung-cancer-awareness-month.