Opossum Billboard Sparks Wildlife Rehab Donations

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Opossum Billboard Sparks Wildlife Rehab Donations

Opossum Billboard Sparks Wildlife Rehab Donations

Recently one of our billboards brought opossums into the limelight.  Some in the community felt that our billboard, showing a snarling opossum, perpetuated the myth that opossums are vicious animals that carry rabies.

Our intention was to indicate that any wild animal bite would require a visit to the ER. In any case, let’s be fair and address some misconceptions many folks have about our furry opossum friends.

Do Opossums Carry Rabies?

While any mammal can contract rabies, examples of rabies in the opossum is extremely rare. This may have something to do with the opossum’s low body temperature (94-97º F) making it difficult for the virus to survive.

Opossums Benefit The Community

Did you know just how beneficial opossums are to our community?  They eat roaches, mosquitoes and ticks, which can aid in the reduction of disease in our community.

Donations For TWRC

To show just how much our little friends mean to us, Elitecare in League City has decided to match donations to the Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition up to a total of $1,000 per quarter in 2020.

When you make your donation, be sure to put Elitecare in the “How did you hear about us” field so your donation amount can be matched by Elitecare.


TWRC Friends

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