Pet Safety on Independence Day

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Pet Safety on Independence Day

Pet Safety on Independence Day

This July 4th the smartest thing you can do is to keep your pet indoors at all times. Loud noises may cause your pet to panic and attempt to run in an attempt to find safety. Other great pet tips to remember this 4th of July are:

  • Don’t Put Insect Repellant on Your Pet that isn’t Specifically for Pet Use
  • Alcoholic Drinks Poison Pets
  • Have Your Pet Properly Identified
  • NEVER Use Fireworks Around Pets
  • Don’t Give Your Pet “Table Food”
  • Lighter Fluid and Matches Are Harmful to Pets as many will lick and chew on items accidentally spilled or thrown on the ground.
  • Citronella Insect Control Products Harm Pets, Too.
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