COVID-19 Testing

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COVID-19 Testing
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COVID-19 Testing

COVID 19 Vaccines for Children
COVID 19 Vaccines for Children

Comprehensive COVID-19 Testing Services

Ensuring Rapid and Accurate COVID-19 Testing

At Elitecare Emergency Hospital, we recognize the critical importance of COVID-19 testing due to the highly contagious nature of the virus and its potential to cause severe respiratory complications. Our focus on providing rapid COVID-19 testing is essential in identifying cases swiftly, enabling healthcare providers to initiate appropriate isolation recommendations and treatment protocols. This not only helps in mitigating the risk of transmission but also ensures that patients receive tailored care, distinguishing COVID-19 from other respiratory illnesses.

COVID-19 Tests We Offer

At Elitecare, we provide a range of COVID-19 testing options to suit various needs and requirements:

  • Molecular PCR Test (Biofire):
    • Emergency Use Authorized: Ensures compliance with health regulations.
    • Nasal Swab Method: Non-invasive and quick.
    • Detects Multiple Infections: Including COVID-19 and influenza among 22 different viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
    • High Accuracy: 97.1% sensitive, ensuring reliable results.
    • Results Timeline: Delivered within 6-24 hours.
    • PCR Requirements: Often required by institutions and for international travel.
  • Antigen Test (Sofia):
    • Nasal Swab Test: Simple and efficient.
    • Specifically for COVID-19: Designed to detect the virus causing COVID-19.
    • Accuracy: High accuracy, especially when performed within 7 days of symptom onset.
    • Results Timeline: Available within 3-6 hours.
    • Cost-Effective: A more affordable testing option.

Read more about the Biofire Test

FAQs about COVID-19 Testing

Q: What is the difference between a viral test and an antibody test for COVID-19?
A: A viral test, like PCR or antigen, detects a current infection. An antibody test indicates past infection and may not show if you have an active infection as it takes time to develop antibodies.

Q: What should I do if I’ve already been tested for COVID-19?
A: If you’re experiencing new or worsening symptoms or have had another exposure to COVID-19, you may consider retesting. For routine or repeat testing without symptoms, consult your primary physician or community resources.

Q: When should I seek emergency COVID-19 testing?
A: If you develop emergency symptoms related to COVID-19 or have an emergency exposure, Elitecare Emergency Hospital is ready to provide testing and appropriate care.

Q: How can I end home isolation after a COVID-19 infection?
A: Follow the CDC guidelines for ending home isolation. Retesting for work-return should be arranged through your primary physician or other community resources, not through an emergency room.

COVID-19 Testing at Elitecare Emergency Hospital

Our commitment to battling the COVID-19 pandemic extends to providing accurate, fast, and reliable testing services. Elitecare Emergency Hospital’s state-of-the-art facilities and skilled medical team ensure that individuals seeking COVID-19 testing receive the highest standard of care. We emphasize the importance of timely testing in the management and control of the virus, contributing to the well-being and safety of our community.

Whether it’s for emergency symptoms, travel requirements, or post-exposure assessment, our COVID-19 testing services are designed to meet the varied needs of our patients. Understanding the evolving nature of the pandemic, we continuously adapt our services to offer the most current and effective testing methods.

Get the Care You Need

For all your COVID-19 testing needs, Elitecare Emergency Hospital is here to help, 24 hours a day. Our team is prepared to provide you with rapid and accurate testing services, along with comprehensive care and guidance. No appointment is necessary; we’re equipped to support you and your family in navigating through these challenging times with confidence and care.


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