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Stress During a Crisis

It’s only fitting that April is Stress Awareness Month. We are facing unprecedented times regarding our health. Our health and the health of our loved ones is paramount always. We want to be vigilant and protect ourselves in every way possible. How does that work during a pandemic or if you have a history of a certain disease in your family? We don’t have a crystal ball when it comes to our health. What we do have is the ability to manage stress. 

There are healthy ways to address a health concern. Some people are especially attuned to their bodily sensations. When they experience certain symptoms — headache, stomachache, dizziness or any kind of discomfort — they assume the worst. They start worrying that something is very wrong with them.

As your nervousness intensifies, the physical sensations of anxiety accelerate. You may feel worse. Your breath thins, vision blurs, heart races, chest pounds, stomach twists, and you become more and more convinced you’ve contracted something terrible. (Tartakovsky 2018)

It doesn’t help that a certain virus or illness is talked about on the news and on social media to take your anxiety to a higher level. 

Stress and Your Health

Stress can be debilitating, and it can cause and/or aggravate health problems. And since stress is a normal part of human existence — nobody is immune to it — it’s important to arm ourselves with knowledge so that we recognize when stress rears its ugly head. (Amazingly, we don’t always notice it’s happening to us.) During Stress Awareness Month it’s important to learn some strategies for coping with this silent scourge. 

What Can You Do to Alleviate Stress?

We want to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. We have a long way to go. According to the Mental health Foundation 74% of adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Health care and mental health professionals are joining forces to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. These are some long-term solutions that can lead to a healthier overall lifestyle. 

  • Practice meditation

One of the most effective ways to deal with stress is to learn how to silence the mind. Meditation is one of the most popular methods of achieving this quiet.

  • Exercise

Another way to battle the debilitating effects of stress is to exercise. Whether you’re a jogger, bicyclist our just like to take long walks, be sure to get some fresh air and exercise into your daily routine.

  • Visit your doctor

They’re really in the best position to get you started on the path to a stress-free lifestyle. Make an appointment today.

More Easy Stress Relievers Anyone Can Do

We’re all feeling it. A recent survey found that about two-thirds of U.S. workers report engaging in behavior such as drinking or crying regularly in order to deal with stress. That’s just not the answer. Changing your frame of mind is important and activity is the best way to distract yourself from stress in your life. Here are some more ideas for family-friendly stress-relieving activity. 

  • Go for a Walk
  • Visualize a Place You Love to Visit
  • Eat a Mindful Snack
  • Get a Plant to Care For
  • Back Away from Technology Devices
  • Hug Someone (After Quarantine)
  • Yoga
  • Exercise 
  • Turn Off Your Phone
  • Listen to Some Music
  • Eat Something Sweet – stems the production of the stress hormone, glucocorticoid
  • Chew Gum
  • Watch a Funny Video
  • Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Visit a Good Friend
  • Eat a Banana or Potato – Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure
  • Do a Craft
  • Get a dog

(Huffpost 2017)

What do you do to relieve stress? We’d love for you to share your favorite activity with us on our Facebook or Instagram pages!

Worrks Cited

Tartakovsky, Margarita. “Hyper-Worried About Your Health? 3 Tips to Help.” World of Psychology, 8 July 2018,

“Stress Awareness Month 2020.” The Stress Management

“Stress Awareness Month 2020.” National Awareness Days Events Calendar 2020 – UK & US, 1 Apr. 1970,

Melnick, Meredith. “20 Scientifically Backed Ways To De-Stress Right Now.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 7 Dec. 2017,

# Tags:
Anxiety, Exercise, health, meditation, nervousness, stress, stress relief, stress-relievers
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