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Workplace Injury

Workplace Injury

Going to the ER with a Work-Related Workers’ Compensation Injury

Workers’ compensation is a system of benefits that are paid to workers who have suffered an injury or illness in the workplace. Work-related injuries are a common occurrence in the United States. These work-related injuries can range from minor to severe and some may require hospitalization or surgery. It is important for those who have suffered an injury (and their loved ones) to know what they need to do before going to the ER with a worker’s compensation injury.

What is a Workplace Injury?

Workers’ compensation insurance covers the majority of workplace injuries, including accidents and diseases caused by exposure to work activities, materials, and equipment. Time is of importance when an employee suffers a work-related injury that is covered by workers’ compensation insurance. The employee only has a certain amount of time to report the event and get benefits. (Insureon)

Dealing with Worker’s Compensation

An estimated 33 million work-related injuries occur every year, making it a major risk for many. If you require emergency medical treatment as a result of a workplace injury, your employer’s workers’ compensation plan should be able to cover the costs. It’s critical to understand which injuries are covered by your company and which aren’t. In truth, only certain injuries are covered by workers’ compensation, and if you don’t do your homework, you might be hit with an unexpected bill.

You must promptly tell your employer of the accident in order to ensure that your medical requirements are properly treated. Even if you aren’t seriously hurt, your employer will want to know what happened so that they can investigate whether anything might have been done better. Before any information is revealed to anybody else, you may be requested to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This agreement specifies that if you tell someone you’ve been in an accident, you’ll also notify them about any injuries you’ve had. Before allowing you to return to work, your employer may wish to acquire copies of your medical records from the hospital.

Present your employer’s workers’ compensation information rather than your own health insurance information when you arrive at the hospital, as it is unlawful for a hospital to charge you for something that workers’ compensation should cover. Similarly, if you need to go to the hospital after the accident, you should have a claim number and an insurance adjuster from the accident. You should also let your family or loved ones know who your employer is so that the hospital may contact you if you become unconscious after an accident. (Workers’ Comp Doctor, 2021)

How to File for Workplace Compensation

To claim the compensation, an employee must:

  • Notify the employer about the work injury or illness (including the date, time, type of injury, and how the injury occurred)
  • File a formal workers’ comp claim

The insurance company will next select a physician to do an impartial medical evaluation. The doctor will send the results to the insurance company, which will use them to determine how much to pay you. The method for filing a workers’ compensation claim and the statute of limitations vary from state to state. (Workers’ Comp Doctor, 2021)

It is important to notify your employer as soon as possible about the injury. In most cases, they will have workers’ compensation insurance that will cover your medical expenses and you should be able to receive treatment without any worry of having outstanding bills or debt after receiving care. If you are unable to secure reimbursement for a workplace-related injury through your employee benefits plan, it may be time to consider filing an appeal with the assistance of an attorney who specializes in this area.

Where to Go When You Have a Work Related Injury

Going to a medical facility with experience in dealing with worker’s compensation claim is important in getting important paperwork and procedures right so that you can have your medical bills paid for. Know before you go. Know your rights before you have an injury. Ask your human resources manager for information about workers’ compensation for your employer and how they handle claims. High risk work environments like chemical plants or oil drilling platforms can result in life threatening injuries.

Be sure you have a process in place for yourself and keep your family informed of your employers medical emergency procedures and facilities used. Make sure your emergency contacts are kept up to date in your phone and with your human resources manager.

We are our own best advocates and our health and safety is better protected when the employer and employee have a known and formal process for treating and reporting workers’ compensation claims. Here are ways to keep your smartphone device prepared to easily dial help in a work related injury:

Apple iPhone:

Android Device:

Works Cited

“What Is Considered a Workers’ Compensation Injury?” Insureon,

“Should You Go to Hospital If You’ve Had a Work Accident?” Workers’ Comp Doctor, 15 Apr. 2021,

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Workplace Injury
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